

forever munching and ogling

a 20 year old med student with a  uncanny ability to laugh at herself as well as others and has a weird sense of humor that people rarely get. Also has a rather worrying obsession on Robert Downey Jr.

As my social life and interests, aside from the internet, are almost non-existent, I would love to hear from you.

You can email me on mythilipathiyil@gmail.com, which is probably the most unimaginative email id you would have come across(just joined my first and last name). Although you have to admit it’s a step forward from ‘sweet_angel_some random number that I forgot now’.

Or you can..tweet to me? Is that what you say? @babystepstwotwo – I haven’t mastered the art of tweeting and most likely won’t in the future so please bear with me.

You can also add me on insta @mythili2 where posting pictures is an annual event for me but I would love to put faces to your names 🙂

Thanks for stalking taking time to read this, Now go shoo, you are making me nervous. Tatata…for now.


89 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi ive nominated you for an award check it out😊https://wafflemethis.wordpress.com/2015/06/01/thunderstruck/


  2. Mythili, figured out that was your name 🙂 no..no… certainly not by looking at the other comments 🙂 Good to meet you, I suppose you are from down south of India 🙂 if I’m not wrong. Hi, I am Savio… I hold base at the ‘theextraaamile 🙂 do hop on for a visit 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Love-Hate | Delirious Antidotes

  4. Pingback: A silly rambleeeee… | Ripples

  5. Pingback: Future Challenge | Sophie Speaks Up

    • Hellloo! 😀 You are new to this blog! Aren’t you? Since only newbies make the mistake of judging RDJ in this blog! Stick around and you’ll be forced to adore him too. 😉 😛
      P.S. I’m not really a tyrant. You are entitled to your opinions..however WRONG they may be.
      P.P.S. I can’t get over this. Why? He’s perfect. You MUST LIKE HIM!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Being that I’m a former med student and have only practiced with medicine (yes, I’ve taken some meds… NyQuil, Advil, and Excedrin with ex cetera!) I just had to come over and say thank you for following my posts in “The Attic”—as I have sworn the hypocritical oath. This of course, is not nearly as important as taking the hippocratic oath, but it’s way more humorous, and allows me to say how sincerely appreciative I am to have you following my blog. I promise to do my best to give you a giggle, and not remove your funny bone. :@)

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Heiloo, I stumbled onto your blog, and after reading your posts, there’s one persistent question on my mind! Is there any chance? any possibility.. that you had been to a kumbh mela? coz boy, i feel that our brains might have been cloned! 😀 (psst.. don’t consider that line after reading my blog!) Anyways, I’ll make it a personal mission to comment on your every post! Already a biggggaaa fan! :p Keep the juices flowing in your brain! 😀 (if that’s a real thing :p) Babyeee!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hahahaha! YES ANOTHER CLONE! We are short of a couple hundred and then together we all can take over the world and place Robert Downey Jr back to where he rightly belongs(with us, ofcourse). I am so sorry about the late reply. Usually after a comment like yours I’ll be stalking all your posts and going crazy with excitement. So much so that you might have had to tell me politely but firmly to stay faar away. I was busy with college, bleh. But I promise to make up for all the lost time. *runs off to stalk your posts*

      Liked by 1 person

      • hehehe… are you sure, you are willing to share Downey? I am pretty comfortable with Johnny Depp/ Ryan Gosling! (Weird combination i believe!!) Yeah, by the way, my posts are pretty dark for your world of sunshine and rainbows, but i’ll lighten it up, once I’m done being ridiculously LAZY!! ** any who who clones brains in a KUMBH MELA 😀 😀 That’s how lame I can be 😛 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh THANK GOD! I was wondering how to disclose that sharing nutella and Robert Downey is a huge NO-NO for me. 😀 My world is filled with sunshine and unicorn farts? No way. I’m grumpy and I find new things to whine/rant about. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Rest assured, not a nutella fan, 😉 and speaking of Downey, how will I ever compete with you? One day, you WILL beat him and probably captain sparrow, when it comes to awesome come backs 😀 someday soon you will be cast in the Iron woman movie 😛 😀

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