Acceptance speech without traces of humility

This is my first award so I’m going to be very humble and modest while accepting it as soon as I get those helicopter lights pointing straight at the award that I have kept at the rooftop inorder to showoff erm, hide for security purposes.

First things first, a huge thank you to Wafflemethis atย I was lured into the blog by waffles and this goes without saying waffles have never disappointed me in my life. Both the blog and the delicacy. ๐Ÿ˜€


Isn't she a beaut?

What you can do with the award?

Post it on your blog
Grant other bloggers with the award

What you canโ€™t do with the award?

Abuse or misuse the logo
Claim that itโ€™s your own handmade logo

What you should do after receiving award:

Enjoy the award
At least give thanks via comments and likes and/or mentioning the blog who gave the award.

Mention your purpose in blogging.

I have no real purpose at all. I’m pretty mouthy and what other platform to showcase that talent than a blog? I love interacting with people, getting everyone’s perspectives on things and laughing at with them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

And the nominations are…*insert drumroll*

These are few of my favourite blogs! They are some of the friendliest bloggers out there that makes blogging worthwhile.

Now I’m off to polish the award do something.
Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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