
I know, I know. I did it again. Disappear from the face of the earth! I wish.
Last week was just too hectic. I’m going to complete the 3 day 3 quote challenge hopefully in 3 weeks 😉 It’s such a fun challenge that I’m still not forfeiting from. While in a camp to raise awareness of hypertension in a rural area, I played with a few strays and ended up with a pretty bad scratch. It didn’t help that I was surrounded by hypochondriac medical students who promptly made sure I got an anti-rabies shot and a tetanus shot in my butt. People my age like getting their butt poked with umm…’fun stuffs’ not SYRINGES handled by an annoyed nurse. *Sighs* 4 more lovely doses left. So there’s something to look forward to in this week after all!

Aand I got Inked! It was a rather impulsive and at the same time well-thought out act. I have always wanted a tattoo that meant something to me. (Something other than Robert Downey Jr’s head) I fell in love with the semi colon tattoo in 2013. Two little marks that mean so much.
I have horrible mood swings and sometimes I just don’t get up from my bed for days. I haven’t seen anyone about it because well..”There is nothing wrong with you! You are just stubborn and lazy.” Luckily for me I only get this streak once in a blue moon for no apparent reason. Mostly I’m a pretty positive happy person! This tattoo is to remind me that it’s just a little phase that will pass soon. It’s just a pause and not the end when I’m low. It’s to remind myself that I musn’t ever take what seems like the best option in that frame of mind like my cousin sister did, that is end her life because it’s just a SMALL PAUSE.

Moving on from the heavy talks, I got myself inked without telling anyone obviously. Their reactions to the news :
5 month pregnant sister : OMG! A PUNCTUATION MARK? Hahahahah so lame! I want a chinese letter. They look so cool.
Dad : How long will it stay?(thinks it’s temporary)
Conservative friends : You DO realise you aren’t going to get hired anywhere because of THAT. Right?
Classmates : DOCTORS aren’t supposed to get tattoos. What is wrong with you?

The reactions were priceless. 😀 While I genuinely love most of them, It is after all my decision. I’m going to be turning 21 soon and if I can’t get one of my wishes fulfilled because that’s not what’s ‘expected’ of me by society that’s just sad. I lived my whole life tiptoeing. Now that I have started walking- safely, with shoes on mind you!- it is inevitable that you hear my footsteps. 🙂

P.S. It’s a super tiny tattoo on my inner wrist because I did this purely for selfish reasons namely for myself! 😀


51 thoughts on “*Poof*

  1. We don’t really know each other so this may sound creepy and weird but I love you and I’m really proud of you.
    For getting the tattoo and also everything else.
    I’ve been reading a few of your blog posts and I relate.
    I know what it is like to live in India with parents (and relatives) like that.

    “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re just stubborn and lazy”
    Oh my God! The mere statement makes me want to kill myself sometimes but like you said, I don’t.
    I like to believe all of this is just a phase.

    Anyway, I’ve rambled enough. All the best! (For everything)

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s so sweet! It’s really not creepy, I’m glad you can relate! 😀
      Thank you so much! It really means a lot. Sometimes I wonder if it’s just me who finds it difficult to conform to expectations, comments like these make me realise that I don’t need to feel stranded on the opposite side alone because I’m surrounded by like-minded people!
      I appreciate all forms of rambles,rants, etc. So feel free 😉 This however comes under the category of thoughtful kind comments!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yes!
        Even I like these kinds of comments on my own blog but I’ve noticed at times that other people are creeped out so I put an unofficial warning/ disclaimer in the beginning.
        I especially live your posts because they’re rants and ramblings. That’s my favourite kind.
        Your post called “Grow up” was amazing!
        I looked the fact that you took a stand.
        And yes, trust me, you always have like-minded people out there somewhere.
        Sure, you might not meet them but they’re there and the internet is the best place to find them.
        Don’t forget to be awesome!

        Liked by 2 people

      • I feel more connected to the blogger if they are ranting about their day. It’s more personal. 😀
        I don’t understand all the hype behind periods. I thought of drawing out a mini uterus and explaining it to him why I found his treatment offensive when my own uterus was giving me cramps.
        Internet, that’s true! That’s where I met you. 🙂
        P.S. You may feel like running away and changing blogs after my persistent stalking. This is to warn you that I WILL find that blog too and continue stalking. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Believe me, I’m not running away anywhere- and this has a good chance of turning into a competition as to who’s got better stalking skills!
        To begin with, where in India are you exactly?
        (Don’t worry, I- mostly- don’t do IRL stalking. I just need to know)

        Liked by 1 person

      • From Mumbai.
        Studying here itself.

        You’re going to become a doctor right?
        What kind of a doctor? The Gallifreyan kind? Hehe…
        (You know what? Maybe we should email each other! If you think this is a good idea, email on the ID on my About page)

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I fucking LOVE IT! You do you babe! Fuck the the haters, they’re just jealous and envious of your free spirit and bravery to be independent and do things for yourself. So I say hooray for you! 💋💋💋

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was such a good post! I’d been wondering where your posts had disappeared to haha. I personally am not a tattoo person BUT I love what your tattoo stands for! I agree with you, many people think that depression or mood swings are not real when that’s hardly the case. But I love the idea of a semi colon, it’s so simple but ingenious, it stands for something so amazing. And you should do something selfish once in a while, I’ve spent so many years tip toeing around people and making them priority, but no one ever does the same for you, so YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOURSELF PRIORITY! All the best with everything 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! I have lots of reading to catch up to 😀 Those reasons are exactly why I love this tattoo. Simple yet ingenious. It’s about time we go about stamping our feet around. Tiptoeing is hard work and it’s never easy on the toes. 😉 I know there are innumerable quotes out there on selflessness but they never tell you that being a little selfish feels soooooo good! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Apparently my last post was on tattoos too. You are the 2nd person I know who has got inked within a week gap now. I’m gonna get one soon now. Just have to make some time to get it done. As far as what others think, you can chose to ignore them. 🙂 Sometimes you have to be selfish to get what you need. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!! I just read your post. I have loads of reading and stalking to catch up to. 😀 Have you decided what you are going to get? The pain can be compared to waxing but I’m not sure if you can grasp that comparison. 😛 I was expecting gut wrenching pain so I was pleasantly surprised when he said “Ma’am, I’m not kidding. Seriously. You can leave.”

      Liked by 1 person

      • You have got a small one. I’m sure it would have lasted more than 20 min (only assuming). I have heard of waxing pain not it would be my pleasure to experience it too. 😛 Somehow I have got used to pain long time ago, I won’t be expecting it to surprise me. It’s another story which I don’t share in public. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh that sounds pretty personal. I’m not going to extract it using my extremely persuasive skills since I don’t have any.
        It was about 10 mins I guess. I was too busy trying to keep my mind busy since I wasn’t sure how much it was going to hurt. I didn’t reply to half his questions and I kept muttering random things. He wasn’t least bit surprised though. I guess he gets stoned people on a regular basis and I must have seemed like one. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha stoned people getting tattoos is India is bit rare, they don’t have quality material to reach that state of ecstasy. 😛 On the other hand, they do get people who are bit bond to get one 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Love the ink. I have been thinking about having the semi colon placed on my arm with the word ‘be’. I have two more in memory of my brother, sister, and dad. They were my 50-year-old defiance to the world. In fact, my daughter went with me and we had a mother-daughter day of it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! Oh! I love hearing the stories behind tattoos. 🙂 That’s nice.
      My mom would have chastised that man for his tattoos and would have asked him how he slept at night knowing that he was spreading so many diseases to disobedient, annoying and a general menace yet innocent people like me. He would probably rip his own ears out or my mother’s tongue. On hindsight, that would have been a fun trip too. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, I love that tattoo! I can’t wait to turn 18 so that I can get inked. Most likely, it’s gonna be a really great quote!
    And back to the forever imbecile question, did it hurt? 😛

    And I hope that everything turns out just right for you . And I’m sorry for your sister.
    Hope to read more of youu. All the best! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. OMG, what did your granny going to say?! I have to admit, I like it indeed, and I have seen those semi colon tattoos, and agree that the meaning behind them is quite lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I think it is awesome! I love tattoos with meaning behind them that are unique and your tattoo is definitely unique. Tattoos are becoming more acceptable in today’s society even in the medical field. I think when you are having a “down period ” it may not last as long you have that to look at for strength and positivity. I am,happy and positive as well but even the happiest person has their own breaking point and quiet moments. Sometimes those are the times we need to recharge because we have helped so may people it drains us

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I didn’t read all the other comments, so sorry if somebody already said this, but, you know, ink is pretty mainstream these days. I am quite unusual in my place of employment because I DON’T have a tattoo. And when I was in the army, that was also the case (although soldiers have to hide their ink when in uniform while factory workers can flash theirs around all day long). I personally never wanted a tattoo, till I heard about the semi-colon. Brilliant and so me! Suicide prevention is an issue I feel strongly about. Additionally, I use semi-colons all the time when I write (it is unusual that I have not used one yet in this comment). Rock on!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! 😀 Every comment is unique to me so you needn’t worry at all! The second I heard about the semi-colon I just KNEW. Attempted suicides are hushed up in my family and we follow the “If we don’t talk about it, it never happened” policy which is something I’m strongly against.
      Thank you once again for sharing your thoughts! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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